Tuesday, January 15, 2013


This year is going to be one full of changes--that much I know for sure. We will get to meet our little baby inside of 6-7 months. That is an overwhelming thought! We also hope to buy our first house (and move for the 3rd time in 2 years). Those are the two major things that we expect this year. I am certain that God has many more changes in store for us and He will carry us through the good and the bad.

I hope to keep y'all updated on pregnancy progress with the blog--along with life in general. My pregnancy has gone really well so far. I had 3 weeks of pretty bad nausea/morning sickness in December, but that has gone away and I'm feeling really well. I had the first trimester fatigue, but that even is getting lighter. I do, however, still need a nap most days of the week to make it through a full day. Other than that, I have not gained any weight yet and I'm still working out about 3-4 days/week.

A week from tomorrow we have an ultrasound and doctors appointment for a checkup. We will find out then an Estimated Due Date and I'll know--more accurately--how far along I am. I'm somewhere between 10-12 weeks, I think. We hope to also hear Baby Huntley's heartbeat at that time!

I get asked, quite often, "Are you going to find out the gender?" Nate and I decided, before we even got pregnant, that we wanted to be surprised and find out in the delivery room. That decision has waffled for both of us the last couple weeks. We are both SO curious whether we will have a son or a daughter, but I am pretty confident that we will stand strong in our decision to wait. We figure that this is the best time to be surprised. We need everything and we can find enough gender-neutral clothing to outfit Baby Huntley for the first few weeks or so. That being said, we will know shortly before everyone else knows whether Baby Huntley is a girl or boy. (We DO already have our favorite boy and girl names picked out, so we do know what Baby Huntley will be named. I'll share those names a little further down the road...)

I hope your 2013 has gotten off to a great start. I start this year with anticipation and excitement! My mom, picks a word for her year--instead of a resolution, it's a single word that is her theme for the year. I have been trying to pick one for my year, but am still undecided. I'll let y'all know what my word for 2013 is, once I pick it! Let me know what your word/resolution/goal for your year is!

Picture above is of Baby Huntley on 12/12/12